
EPA Withdraws Request For Methane Information From Oil, Gas Industry

The action can be seen as one of what will be several moves to undo the Obama administration's climate change regulations.

March 3, 2017

Scott Pruitt: EPA To Start 'Aggressive' Cuts To Regulations Soon

Pruitt mentioned three rules that could meet the chopping block early on: the Waters of the U.S. rule; the Clean Power Plan; and the U.S. Methane rule.

February 27, 2017

US Drillers Add Oil Rigs For Sixth Straight Week

Drillers added five oil rigs in the week to Feb. 24, bringing the total count up to 602, the most rigs since October 2015, energy services firm Baker Hughes Inc. (NYSE: BHI) said Feb. 24.

February 24, 2017

After Prosperous 2016, Private Equity Makes Its Plays

In fourth-quarter 2016, nearly all of the $11.9 billion in transactions were made by public companies purchasing from private-equity firms.

February 22, 2017

Scott Pruitt: EPA Can Also Be Pro-Jobs

"I believe that we as an agency, and we as a nation, can be both pro-energy and jobs, and pro-environment," Pruitt said in his first address to EPA staff.

February 21, 2017

EIA: US Natgas Outlook Cut; Crude Production Set To Rise

Dry gas output in 2016 averaged 72.36 Bcf/d as low energy prices reduced drilling activity. It was the first annual production decline since 2005.

January 11, 2017

API Head Hopeful Trump Redefines Energy Policy

Trump may be willing to abide by some of the Paris climate accords, particularly those that jeopardize U.S. trade with a carbon tax.

January 6, 2017

US Drillers Add Oil Rigs For 10th Week In A Row

Drillers added four oil rigs in the week to Jan. 6, bringing the total count up to 529, the most since December 2015, energy services firm Baker Hughes Inc. (NYSE: BHI) said on Jan. 6.

January 6, 2017

Sale On: Exports And The Future Of Energy

An expanded Panama Canal opens up opportunities for U.S. exporters, especially in LNG and ethane markets.

December 29, 2016

Patterson-UTI To Buy Seventy Seven For $1.76 Billion

Patterson-UTI will have more than 1.5 million hydraulic fracturing horsepower following the closing of the transaction, the U.S. driller said.

December 15, 2016