The ‘Shale On It’ Game

Stratas Advisors conducts a game of trivia on 2018 unconventional resources dealing with production, drilling and field activity in U.S. shale.

January 4, 2019

Getting Value From Oilfield Produced Water Improves Efficiency

Optimized chemistries help leverage produced water to fracturing fluid.

January 3, 2019

USGS Report Expands Permian’s Wolfcamp, Bone Spring Potential Bounty

The USGS says it has identified the Permian Basin’s Wolfcamp Shale and overlying Bone Spring Formation in the Delaware as its ‘largest continuous oil and gas resource ever assessed.’

December 6, 2018

Researchers Release Study Results For Characterizing Unconventional Play Reservoirs

The field studies project, now in phase 17, seeks to advance geophysical research to explore new methods and technologies for better reservoir performance.

November 30, 2018

Midcontinent Activity Highlights: November 2018

Here’s some recent action in Midcontinent oil and gas plays including Western Anadarko and Fayetteville producers, extended-lateral Arkoma Woodford wells and a Wolfcamp discovery in the Permian Basin.

November 16, 2018

Spotlight - Minding The Mid-Cush Margin: Reed Olmstead, IHS Markit (2018)

Cushing has improved to more than $70/bbl, but WTI Midland has been fetching as much as $10/bbl less. Many Permian producers are using basis hedges to ride out the new-takeaway drought. Some have firm transport directly to export markets. How are Permian producers minding the gap? Listen in as Reed Olmstead, an expert from IHS Markit, provides further insight.

November 7, 2018

Optimizing Well Productivity Through Numerical Modeling

Cloud-based reservoir modeling and simulations enabled an operator in the Wolfcamp Shale to improve well completion design.

November 1, 2018

Earthstone Targets Acreage Trades To Boost Permian Laterals

Analysts estimate Earthstone tacked on a net increase of 2,677 acres to its position in the Midland Basin for less than $6,000 per acre.

October 8, 2018

Staying Ahead Of The Decline Curve

Lost in the news of record-breaking production and impressive rig counts is the increasing rate of decline in production in the Permian Basin.

September 4, 2018