Cotton Valley

Cimarex Offers 300 BO/2.5MMcf/d In Mississippi Exit

Cimarex Energy Co. has retained The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse to sell certain producing assets in 15 fields in Covington, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lawrence and Walthall counties, Mississippi.

November 20, 2009

House Passes Waxman-Markey Energy Bill

In a close vote Friday, the U.S. House passed a landmark energy security and climate-change bill, a cornerstone of the Obama presidency.

June 29, 2009

Good Hunting

When legendary oilman Haroldson Lafayette (H.L.) Hunt sold his gambling hall in Arkansas in the 1920s and reinvested the proceeds into the emerging oil patch, he set into motion a near century-long saga of events that would make the East Texas wildcatter one of the world’s richest men and inspire a hit TV show.

April 29, 2009