More Top Stories in Shale Plays

EIA Estimates Declined Rates of Flaring, Venting NatGas in 2023

Even as the rates of natural gas venting and flaring fell, according to Energy Information Administration data, another study shows CO2 emissions continued to rise globally.

June 20, 2024

From South Texas to the World: International E&Ps Drill Deep in the Eagle Ford

While U.S. E&Ps squabble for pieces of the Permian Basin, international energy giants are all-in on the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas.

June 20, 2024

Costly Consequences as E&Ps Navigate Methane Mitigation

Oil and gas companies are adjusting to an evolving emissions reduction landscape as state and federal regulators target methane emissions.

June 19, 2024

Coterra Energy’s 54-well Wolfcamp-Harkey Test

The operator plans to experiment where it has Harkey Mills sandstone in the Delaware Basin by landing three wells in it while making 51 Wolfcamp wells.

June 19, 2024

Private E&P Point Energy Triples Delaware Basin Production to 15,000 bbl/d

Point Energy Partners has since brought on an additional 15 wells and has 12 more coming online later this year in Ward County, Texas, while its leasehold in northern Loving County is tied up in a dispute with Matador Resources.

June 19, 2024

Chesapeake COO: Shale Gas Basins See Exploration, Step-out Activity

U.S. gas producers continue to wade through low commodity prices, a situation made even stickier by record Permian gas production, said Chesapeake COO Josh Viets. But with a “constructive” natural gas market on the horizon, producers are consolidating and exploring for drilling runway.

June 18, 2024

Northern Midland: EOG Brings on Dean Oil Well in SE Dawson Stepout

EOG Resources has not stated yet that Dawson County is the location of its new “stealth play.” It remained mum in an investment-banking conference this week.

June 18, 2024

Permian Surface-owner LandBridge to Raise up to $367MM in IPO

Houston-based LandBridge holds some 220,000 surface acres in the Delaware Basin.

June 17, 2024

URTeC: E&Ps Tap Refrac Playbook for Eagle Ford, Bakken Inventory

Refracs and other redevelopment projects might not be needle-moving growth drivers—but they’re becoming more common for E&Ps levered in maturing plays like the Eagle Ford and Bakken, experts discussed at URTeC 2024.

June 17, 2024

Laying in Wait: San Juan’s ‘Remarkable’ Mancos Shale Oil Wells

The past decade has been difficult for the San Juan Basin, which suffered from a lack of activity and exits by major operators. But experts say inventory-hungry operators shouldn’t overlook the San Juan’s long-term potential.

June 16, 2024