Real-time monitoring of CO2 in EOR applications is made possible with K-waves.
Polymer Services focuses on field application of polymer gel treatments for enhanced or improved oil recovery using equipment to blend, apply and monitor the treatments in the field, a news release said.
The oil industry’s demand for energy is growing rapidly, and solar can supply much of that power, GlassPoint Solar CEO Rod MacGregor said.
The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan buys oil and gas royalty company Heritage Royalty for C$3.3 billion to acquire one of the largest royalty, mineral interests in Canada despite down commodity prices.
Australia-based Elk Petroleum Ltd. is actively exploring the idea of sourcing CO2 from a corn-ethanol plant to feed into its EOR activities in Nebraska.
Data from the EIA’s latest drilling production report projected about 16 MMcf/d will be produced in the Marcellus alone in July, up from about 15 MMcf/d in July 2014.
The project will use 4-D seismic imaging, horizontal drilling and pump technology. Polymer chemical injection technology’s role in maximizing economic recovery of U.K. hydrocarbon reserves will be demonstrated.
Boulder Energy Ltd. will work in DeeThree’s Belly River development in the Pembina-Brazeau area of Alberta. Granite Oil Corp. will work in DeeThree’s Bakken EOR project in southern Alberta.
First oil is planned for late 2019.
Coreflooding measures the effectiveness of water or gas injected into an oil-bearing rock sample to displace oil. This can be used to assess the potential for water flooding in an oil field, BP said in a news release.