Oklahoma-based Momentum AI says its model helps drillers avoid fracture-driven interactions.
Data and intelligence TGS provider now has six contracts scheduled on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
The Ramford Vanguard seismic vessel will be used to acquire data of shallow subsurface targets for wind farm development.
TGS will reprocess 3D seismic data, including 10,900 sq km of open acreage available in India’s upcoming 10th Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) bid round blocks.
Two large earthquakes that hit the Permian Basin, the top U.S. oilfield, this week have rattled the Texas oil industry and put a fresh spotlight on the water disposal practices that can lead to increases in seismic activity, industry consultants said on Feb. 18.
Oklahoma-based Momentum AI says its model helps drillers avoid fracture-driven interactions.
Data and intelligence TGS provider now has six contracts scheduled on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
The Ramford Vanguard seismic vessel will be used to acquire data of shallow subsurface targets for wind farm development.
TGS will reprocess 3D seismic data, including 10,900 sq km of open acreage available in India’s upcoming 10th Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) bid round blocks.
TGS' 4D technologies will provide enhanced subsurface clarity in basins offshore Brazil for Petrobras.
Microseismic technology has proved its value in unconventional wells, and new applications could enable monitoring of sequestered CO2 and facilitate geothermal energy extraction.
Hart Energy’s MEA program highlights new products and technologies demonstrating innovations in concept, design and application.
TGS said the survey, which is positioned up-dip from the Utica condensate and gas trend, will target 276 sq miles of “key” formations in the Appalachian Basin.
Chevron Corp. received approval for farm-in at the AREA OFF-1 block offshore Uruguay and along with partner CEG Uruguay SA eyes the acquisition of 3D seismic over the remainder of 2024.