Mobile Storage Option Provides Temporary Relief for Oil Producers

Select Energy Services helps ease pressure on market storage limitations for oil producers with modified above-ground storage tanks historically used for water storage.

VIDEO: Oilfield Technology Helping Save Lives During Coronavirus Pandemic

De Nora Neptune recycles produced water and disinfects frac water by manufacturing bleach onsite. Now, they are using that same method to fill the shortage of disinfectants for the general public. 

E&P Last Word: Permian’s Promised Growth Could Come Down to Drops, Not Barrels

Creative approaches to water management are helping shift the production paradigm in the Permian Basin.

Water Midstream Consolidation Trends Likely to Continue

With returns in question, oil and gas operators look to divest cost-prohibitive operations.

E&P Tech Watch: Reduce SWD Injections with Cost-effective Evaporation Technology

A new technology helps oil and gas operators reduce injections by up to 90%.

E&P Case Studies: Instrumentation for Produced Water Treatment Systems

The requirements for efficiently managing produced water from oil and gas operations are shifting as volumes increase.

The Rise of Water in the Midstream

Greater water usage by oil and gas producers is necessitating new infrastructure projects from increasingly specialized operators.

Reducing Formation Water Production For The Life Of The Well

An advanced technology reduces wastewater costs and improves oil production.

E&P World View: Early Adoption Of Water Recycling

As an early developer of Appalachia shale, Range Resources quickly identified the benefits of a full-scale water reuse program.

Innovations In Water Management Technology

Service providers and research institutions are finding ways to use water more intelligently at decreased costs and in an environmentally friendly manner.