Marketed: Cavallo Mineral Partners Appalachia Minerals, Royalty Interests

Transaction Type
Appalachian Basin; Marcellus Shale; Utica Shale
Announce Date
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Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Detring Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Detring. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Cavallo Mineral Partners LLC retained Detring Energy Advisors to market for sale its minerals and royalty interests across the prolific Appalachian Basin.

The assets offer an attractive opportunity, Detring said, to acquire roughly 9,500 net royalty acres (96% minerals) consolidated in both the southwest and northeast cores of the play under premier, well-capitalized operators with about 450 horizontal PDP wells and 50 near-term development wells generating $18 million in next 12-month cash flow. Additionally, Detring said the package includes about 400 highly-economic Lower Marcellus and Utica development locations in addition to substantial untapped reserves in the Upper Marcellus and Upper Devonian, which are in early-stage development across the position.

Process Summary:

  • Evaluation materials are available via the Virtual Data Room on June 6
  • Bids are due on July 13

For information visit or contact Matt Loewenstein at or 713-595-1003.