Marketed: Spring Valley Prospect, White Pine County, Nevada

Transaction Type
Spring Valley Prospect
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The following information is provided by Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Clearinghouse. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Tinkmar Properties LLC is selling leased acreage in White Pine County, Nevada. Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC is the exclusive technical, marketing and transaction adviser for the sale.

The offering includes 14,773 acres leased in Spring Valley located in eastern Nevada projected to be a major commercial oil deposit.

Figure 1. Great Basin Oil fields with marketed acreage in the Spring Valley (Source: Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC)

A virtual data room is available. For information visit or contact Tyler Post at or 972-736-5814.