Beth McDonald Appointed SM Energy COO
SM Energy COO Beth McDonald (Source: SM Energy)

SM Energy Co. has brought on Beth McDonald, most recently an executive at Pioneer Natural Resources, to serve as its new executive vice president and COO, effective Sept. 9.

McDonald was executive vice president of strategic planning, field development and marketing for Pioneer and served in various leadership roles at Pioneer in the Permian Basin and South Texas for the past 20 years.

McDonald will transfer her technical skills and expansive knowledge to SM’s Texas and new Utah assets, said President and CEO Herb Vogel. SM Energy is in the process of buying XCL Resources in a deal valued at $2.55 billion.

“[McDonald’s] breadth of experience at Pioneer, including leadership roles in engineering, planning and marketing that spanned both the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford, make her an ideal addition to our team,” Vogel said.