Midstream Business Magazine - July/August 2015

Cover Story

All Filled Up And Nowhere To Go

The midstream adds storage capacity to handle a cascade of crude as the market awaits a demand

All Filled Up And Nowhere To Go

The midstream adds storage capacity to handle a cascade of crude as the market awaits a demand

All Filled Up And Nowhere To Go

The midstream adds storage capacity to handle a cascade of crude as the market awaits a demand

All Filled Up And Nowhere To Go

The midstream adds storage capacity to handle a cascade of crude as the market awaits a demand

All Filled Up And Nowhere To Go

The midstream adds storage capacity to handle a cascade of crude as the market awaits a demand

Editor's Note

Deep In The Heart Of Midstream

The New Midstream Texas conference will be different because Texas is different.

Construction Update

Back In The Saddlehorn Again

An extension of the Saddlehorn Pipeline should improve the project’s economics.

Back In The Saddlehorn Again

An extension of the Saddlehorn Pipeline should improve the project’s economics.


A Supermajor Enters The Midstream

Susan M. Ward is CFO of Shell Midstream Partners LP.

Addressing Potential LP/GP Conflicts

Limited partners and general partners don’t always share interests in M&A transactions.

Analysts Still Betting On MLPs

Despite several changes for the MLP structure and a tough first half in the oil and gas sector, midstream MLPs and the analysts who cover them are cautiously optimistic about the future.

Big Strategy Pays Off

USA Compression Partners LP’s decision to bet on new, high-horsepower compressors has seen the company become the No. 2 player in the sector.

Credit Challenges To Project Development

Financing new transportation infrastructure despite fallen commodity prices challenges developers.

Getting Ready for RP 1173

A new safety standard outlines 10 components to guide pipeline operators in developing and maintaining a successful pipeline safety management system.

The Value Of Experience

After 32 years, First Reserve has been there, invested in that and knows how to deploy capital to build businesses in the midstream.

What’s It Worth?

Smart investors should properly value midstream infrastructure in any energy M&A deal.

Alerian Index

MLPs Are Not An Asset Class

Not every MLP IPO is for a midstream operation.

News Flow

News Flow

Refiners may be the winners in new ethanol rules

NGL Frac Spread

Decoupling returns

Any NGL-crude recoupling may have been a coincidence.

Transaction Update

A Determined Shopper

Williams’ assets may be too valuable for Energy Transfer to accept rejection of its bid