Hart's July 2010 Report features 43 pages of news, analysis and operator profiles highlighting the Cardium tight oil play in Alberta, Canada. The report touches on a variety of aspects including general information, active players and future potential.
The recently sleepy Late Cretaceous Cardium in the Pembina area displays enormous resource potential, with original oil in place estimated at some 7.8 billion barrels of light, sweet, 36-41 gravity crude.
The playbook focuses on the Duvernay, Alberta Bakken/Exshaw, Montney and Cardium-- leading resource plays that are revolutionizing Western Canada's oil business. Companies employing horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing technology are delivering fresh volumes of rich natural gas and light oils to market. The most prolific plays are the Montney, a rich-gas powerhouse, and the Cardium, a prodigious light-oil producer. Shale plays that show considerable promise, but that are still in early days of development, are the Duvernay and Alberta Bakken/Exshaw.