NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Secured Party, by Ronald M. Caspert, Licensed Auctioneer, DCA No. 0869125, will sell the collateral hereafter described at a Public Auction on May 10, 2019, to be held at the offices of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, 601 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022.

April 18, 2019

Marketed: South Texas Assets in McMullen, Zapata Counties

The Trustee of El Dorado Gas & Oil and Hugoton Operating LLC has retained Energy Advisors Group for the sale of South Texas assets in the A.W.P (Olmos) field in McMullen County and in the Mecom Ranch lease (Lobo) in Zapata County, through a bankruptcy sale. 

Marketed: Gungnir Resources 30 Permitted Wells in Wyoming

Gungnir Resources has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a non-producing interests plus 30 producing wells in Laramie and Platte counties, Wyoming.

Marketed: Berlin Resources’ Anadarko Basin Opportunity

Berlin Resources has retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Anadarko Basin opportunity in the Montgomery 18/19 BO #1H, located in Ellis County, Oklahoma.

Marketed: Delaware Basin AFE Interests Divestiture

Armstrong Energy Corp. and Slash Exploration have retained RedOaks Energy Advisors for a sale of certain wellbore-only AFE interests located in Lea County, New Mexico.

Marketed: Seven Falls Oil and Gas Non-operated CO2 Unit in Mississippi

Seven Falls Oil and Gas LLC has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a East Eucutta CO2 unit in Wayne County, Mississippi.

Marketed: Anschutz Three-well Opportunity in Powder River Basin

Anschutz Exploration Corp. has retained EnergyNet for the sale of three wells in the Powder River Basin.  

Marketed: Anschutz Exploration Powder River Basin Opportunity

Anschutz Exploration Corp. has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a Powder River Basin in the Castle 3568-1324-1TH of Converse County, Wyoming.

Marketed: Excess Energy 207 Well Package in Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford Shale

Excess Energy has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale, 207 well package in La Salle and Webb counties, Texas.

Marketed: Anschutz Exploration Niobrara Shale Opportunity

Anschutz Exploration Corp. has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a Niobrara Shale opportunity in Campbell County, Wyoming.

Marketed: DLH Capital Four Well STACK Opportunity

DLH Capital has retained EnergyNet for the sale of a four well package STACK opportunity in Caddo and Dewey counties, Oklahoma.