E&P Magazine - September 2015
With the unwanted moniker of the ‘world’s most expensive energy project,’ Kashagan is a development under all kinds of pressure.
As I See It
Biting The Hand That Feeds
Thanks to Noble Energy, the offshore backwater of Israel has become a world-class province, but you wouldn’t believe it based on how it is being treated.
Cover Story
A Different Kind Of Pressure
With the unwanted moniker of the ‘world’s most expensive energy project,’ Kashagan is a development under all kinds of pressure.
Application Of DFO Sensing In HP/HT Wells
Distributed sensing is an inexpensive and nonintrusive way to monitor challenging wells.
Newest ESP Technologies Improve SAGD Production, Economics
As SAGD projects mature, new challenges drive the need for technologies that will enable production to continue at economic rates. Recent ESP offerings leverage innovations in pumping and motor technology to boost production more economically.
Pressure Heats Up
Opportunities abound for the industry to stretch its creative legs to find solutions to a plethora of HP/HT production challenges.
Stepped-profile PCP Uses Metal-to-metal Seals For SAGD
Field trials are near for metal-to-metal seal technology for PCPs in heavy oil applications in Canada and Venezuela.
Exploration Technologies
Baby Steps
The first G&G permit to explore the U.S. Atlantic has been awarded. Now the hard work begins.
Drilling Technologies
‘Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On’: Part 2
Studies in British Columbia, Canada, have directly linked seismically induced earthquakes to hydraulic fracturing in individual wells.
Completions and Production
Fine-tuning The Marcellus
New project will study the effects of shale gas production in the Marcellus Shale.
Offshore Advances
Marginal Fields Grow As Prices Shrink
These once uneconomic fields present appealing development opportunities to the industry.
Special Report
New Technologies Key For Changed Oil And Gas Landscape
SPE ATCE will showcase innovative products and services for overcoming industry challenges.
Digital Solutions
It’s Past Time To Automate Financial Supply Chain
Going paperless brings many benefits to oil and gas companies.
Advanced Methodologies For Effective Well-cost Management
Following a structured process for estimating well costs can improve decision-making.
Appalachian Service Providers Brace For Another Slowdown
Just when it looked safe to get back in the water, commodity prices weakened and sentiment soured in Appalachia.
Bit-based Vibration Tool Improves Drilling Performance In Hard Carbonates
A module records downhole vibrations to gain a better understanding of drilling dynamics to optimize the drilling BHA and select the proper bit design.
Collaborate To Innovate
Teaming up is the new competitive advantage.
Daqing A True Game-changer For China
Production has been cut, but this field helped reform a nation.
High-capacity Vessel Launched In Barents Sea
With the goal of having the newest and most powerful seismic fleet in the industry, Dolphin Geophysical recently announced the launch of the Polar Empress, giving the company six high-capacity 3-D vessels as well as a 2-D vessel intended for Arctic exploration.
Know Your Flow
Service offers real-time production flow-rate analysis for wells equipped with ESPs.
Malaysia Quiet Leader Of FLNG Vanguard
The unfolding global story of FLNG is being spearheaded by the Southern Hemisphere. While most of the noise so far has been made by the operators of Australia’s megaprojects, it is Malaysia that has been quietly setting the pace.
More From Less
A new concept in 3-D design allows access to constrained areas.
Multilaterals In Slot-limited Platforms Expand Production, Limit Costs
By using existing wells on a platform in the Gulf of Thailand, an operator drilled and completed laterals from the wellbores, and production was commingled.
Operator: Unchained
The ‘share economy’ has come to the oil patch.
Predicting Sweet Spots In Unconventional Fields
Data mining and predictive analytics can be valuable tools in shale development.
Produced Water Cleans Up Its Act
Water treatment system removes hydrocarbons, solids and bacteria from flowback and produced water for use in future operations and even agricultural irrigation.
Scratching Beneath The Surface
When it comes to selecting the design requirements for deepwater floating production facilities and their subsea components, effective long-term modeling of the water column at the field’s location from surface to seabed is a valuable addition to an operator’s offshore tool box.
Subsea Compression Takes Shape On Gullfaks, Åsgard
Some 30 years after the first subsea well was drilled on Gullfaks, the full subsea factory is coming to fruition.
Utica Reserve Estimates Soar
Drillers stand poised to reap the rewards.
Wanted: Efficient Gas Treatment System To Fit Tight FPSO Footprint
FPSO operational viability depends on processing systems that rate the high-priced vessel real estate they occupy.
Wintershall Takes Global View
As the energy market continues to dramatically ebb and flow with oil and gas prices consistently under pressure, Germany’s Wintershall is taking a global approach as it bids to continue pumping up its production levels.
Wireless Acoustic System Improves Well Testing Efficiency
Technology provides acoustic activation and control of downhole testing tools with full bi-directional communication.
Tech Watch
Lower Costs, Emissions From Oilfield Operations
New technology offers operators another option in emissions reduction.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
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On The Move
On The Move
On The Move