E&P Magazine - May 2017
New reamer enlarges boreholes in deep reservoirs ahead of larger outer-diameter casing installations.
As I See It
Offshore Redux
Is the industry ready to restart E&P activities offshore? It certainly looks that way.
Cover Story
Expanding Hole Enlargement To Deeper Reservoirs
New reamer enlarges boreholes in deep reservoirs ahead of larger outer-diameter casing installations.
FPSO Outlook: Long Time Lag Creates ‘Seeming Prosperity’
More FPSO units will be used between 2020 and 2023, with each year seeing about 10 more units working, forecast said.
Full Steam Ahead!
No dead seas around these parts. The offshore industry is emerging from the downturn leaner and ready to capitalize on its newfound efficiencies.
Intervention Applications Enhance Shallow-water GoM Viability
Operators can enjoy robust ROI even at lower prices.
New Projects Will Contribute To Growth
The North Sea and GoM will continue to be important provinces in the global energy mix.
Stones: A True Ultradeepwater Success Story
Despite numerous challenges, the world’s deepest production facility is poised for even more success.
Taking A Giant Leap For Subsea Installation
A small Norwegian subsea company has thrown down the gauntlet to the subsea industry to reduce costs and complexity over the life of a well. Optime Subsea believes technology being released into today’s market must be simple and cost-efficient.
World View
Collaborating On A Better Answer
Industry consortia and JIPs help bring technology to market.
Industry Pulse
The Way Back
Opinions differ as to how easy it will be for the industry to staff up after the downturn.
Market Intelligence
Heyday In The Haynesville
Monster fractures and M&A are boosting regional activity in the ArkLaTex.
Heyday In The Haynesville
Monster fractures and M&A are boosting regional activity in the ArkLaTex.
Exploration Technologies
Pre-Drake—Who Knew?
Prior to “the big one,” North America was a bit of an energy enigma.
Drilling Technologies
Drillbit That Self-adjusts Depth Of Cut Hits Commercial Markets
In the Delaware Basin the bit increased an operator’s ROP by 27% compared to the average ROP in offset wells.
Completions and Production
Play It Again, Deep Water
Analysts find that deepwater projects are closing the gap on tight oil plays.
Digital Solutions
Embracing The Digital Revolution
Oil companies are increasingly moving toward digital solutions to help their businesses.
Shale Solutions
Optimized Fracture Stimulation Delivers Cost Savings
A reduction in the number of bridge plugs needed is one of many benefits offered by new diverting technology.
Offshore Solutions
Innovation In The Offshore Sector
Against the current market backdrop, offshore operators and drilling contractors are looking for technological and engineering innovations that provide that extra competitive edge, helping reduce operational time and risk, protecting asset integrity and ensuring maximum efficiencies.
Heavy-duty Landing String For Deepwater Applications
A safer cost-effective landing string is capable of landing heavy loads while ensuring slip crush resistance.
Is Standardization The Key?
Future offshore developments and deepwater production could benefit from a more codified approach to subsea kits.
Low NOx, CO Emissions With Cleaner Combustion System
The rapid and complete combustion of emissions without appreciable NOx or CO is now possible with a new technology.
OBN Acquisition Provides Superior Seismic Data Throughout Life Of Field
A well-designed survey provides image clarity at each stage of a field’s development.
Six Unique Challenges Of Subsea Cylinders
Subsea hydraulics need to stand the test of time.
The Future Of Exploration?
OBN data acquisition is increasing geographically and expanding in application beyond its traditional role in appraisal and development.
The Global Oil And Gas Methane Emissions Debate
Imaging and remote monitoring technologies assist in emissions management.
Unconventional Report
Midland Basin
Operators continue to delineate the core of the Permian’s Midland Basin.
US Regulatory Reform
The Trump administration is making good on its commitment to revoke or reform federal regulations impacting energy development with significant actions performed or underway regarding hydraulic fracturing, venting and flaring climate change, and the Clean Power Plan.
Regional Report
Near-infrastructure Opportunities Prove Mantra In Deep US GoM
The industry is taking a wait-and-see attitude until prices improve.
Tech Watch
Salinity Measurement System Identifies Production Threats
A new salinity system was designed for increased flow assurance on subsea wet gas field developments.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Check out the latest technologies, products and services.
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
Check out the international oil and gas highlights.
On The Move
On The Move
Check out the latest new hires, promotions and company news.
Last Word
Digital Oil’s Next Frontier
IIoT represents the best chance for oil and gas companies to evolve.
MEA Innovations
2017 Special Meritorious Awards For Engineering Innovation
An expert panel of judges has selected the top 22 industry projects that open new and better avenues to the complicated process of fi nding and producing hydrocarbons around the world.