Oil and Gas Investor Magazine - August 2008
Cover Story
The Bakken
?Horizontal drilling in North Dakota’s enormous Bakken resource play is yielding astonishing volumes of oil.
Angels And SPACs
?Angel funding, the SPAC and other capital sources have pros and cons. Here are some.
Choosing A Back-Office Vendor
?From software-license ownership to ease-of-use for report making, here are seven critical questions when interviewing potential back-office outsourcing providers.
EnCap, After All These Years
EnCap Investments celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, having funded 158 start-up and early-stage energy companies, and helping to create the energy private-equity model along the way.
International Gulf Of Mexico
?A wave of foreign investors has washed over U.S. acquirers in the competition for Gulf of Mexico assets.
Land Rigs Gain Traction
?Between high commodity prices and the boom in shale plays, the U.S. land-rig count has soared to a 20-year high. Shortages and higher dayrates are coming soon.
M&A Caution In Canada
?Canadian players are proceeding with care as negative drivers litter the M&A roadway.
Mezz In Cedar Creek
?When Spyglass Cedar Creek needed capital for new gathering lines and drilling in an under-drilled South Dakota anticline, mezzanine capital filled the bill.
Southeastern New Mexico
?Southeastern New Mexico is an important source of energy for the U.S., but E&Ps contend with onerous environmental restrictions and compete with the potash industry.
Stranded Onshore U.S. Shale Gas
?As more production flows from unconventional shale plays to the Southeast/Gulf region, this analyst anticipates bottlenecks and lower prices.
Texas Chalk Talk
?Brookeland and Giddings fields are back in the news, as superior commodity prices have revived interest in the Gulf Coast’s polemical Austin Chalk reservoir.
The New SEC Reserve Rules
?If SEC proposals are adopted as expected, E&P companies will be able to report their reserves differently in 2009.
Transforming XTO Energy
?Seizing a “moment in time,” XTO Energy fervently stockpiles assets while the acquisition iron is hot.
U.S. Overview: The Bakken; Bakken Playbook
?Horizontal drilling in North Dakota’s enormous Bakken resource play is yielding astonishing volumes of oil.(From The Bakken Playbook)
U.S. Royalty Trusts
?There are new oil and gas royalty trusts in the U.S. Here’s what they are, what they aren’t, and when they can be good for both producers and investors.
A&D Trends
Regional Spotlight: Gulf Coast
?Although the Gulf Coast region is intensely explored, significant activity continues.
At Closing
Upstream MLPs: Time To Buy
?This may be the time to jump back into MLPs, particularly upstream MLPs.
Bright Spots
Meet M?ike Windisch
?NGAS Resources CFO Mike Windisch has helped lead the E&P’s staggering growth.
Capital Markets
The VPP: A Port In A Storm
?The tempest developing in commodity and credit markets presents a midsummer nightmare for oilmen seeking shelter.
Company Briefs
E&P Momentum
Mancos Shale Anticipation
?Utah’s Mancos shale gets strong attention from Uinta Basin operators.
From the Editor-in-Chief
Some Light Summer Reading
At press time, the summer caps of shale players Newfield, Petrohawk and Range had each surpassed that of General Motors.
Gulf Coast
International Highlights
Chatting With The Legends
Gene Ames shares about his oil-rich family history, politics and more.
MidContinent & Permian Basin
Technology Report
Greening CBM Wastewater
Strychnos potatorum seeds found in India can purify water produced from CBM wells.
Trends & Analysis
Infinite Supply/Finite Demand
?As oil prices continue to rise, so does uncertainty, says S&P’s chief economist.