The E&P July 2024 cover features an Ulterra drill bit ready for action. Ulterra services more than 30 countries with sales, manufacturing and repair facilities throughout the Americas, the Middle East and Asia.

E&P - July 2024

   The evolution of the shale boom is measured in feet and seconds.
   In an industry with 4-mile wells fracked simultaneously at fewer than 30 seconds per lateral foot, every moment makes a difference that can be counted in dollars. And every seemingly tiny technological advancement can make an outsized difference. Efficiency is king and eliminating non-productive time is the goal.
With that, we are thrilled to announce the return of E&P magazine in its print format for the first time since 2020. “Welcome back” to seasoned readers, and “Nice to meet you” to those of you joining us for the first time.
   While E&P persisted during and after the pandemic in digital and newsletter forms, the return of the print magazine brings the publication back to its acclaimed history as an industry leader in onshore and offshore technology news and analysis.
   The weekly E&P email and digital newsletter will continue every Tuesday morning with leading technology news and trends. But it is great to add more in-depth analysis, features and contributed content with the old magazine that’s fresh again.
   The next print issue—as part of a series of special editions—will come out in late September.
This first issue back highlights all of the leading trends in enhanced oil recovery, new drilling records, water-handling technologies, completions automation and much more, including the rapid influx of new artificial intelligence systems with “AI” as the buzzword du jour.
   The magazine features the latest in carbon capture and storage technologies and challenges, as well as the expansion of geothermal energy within the more traditional oil and gas space. We also explore the potential for more small modular reactors utilizing clean nuclear energy to power hydrocarbon extraction.
Top oilfield services players are highlighted, including Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford, Patterson-UTI, Liberty Energy and many more. But we also will feature some of the operators.
   Growing Permian Basin producer Vital Energy takes us through its use of AI to churn out crude oil more efficiently as it transitions into a fully data-driven company.
   And BPX Energy explains how the supermajor is now in shale growth mode in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford Shale through new drilling techniques and refrac partnerships. The British energy giant is stepping up under new leadership with the pandemic in the rearview mirror and the BHP unconventional assets it acquired now more fully understood.
   The shale revolution may have taken hold nearly two decades ago through the marrying of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, but, today, tiny evolutions are occurring constantly with the advancements of software adoption, the continued refinement of drilling and completions techniques, and the further exploration of new shale benches.
   Please enjoy this first new issue of E&P that I’m beyond proud to introduce.

   - Jordan Blum, Editorial Director

Highlights from this issue

Pinpointing Shale's Best, Remaining Inventory
Montney steals the spotlight in Enverus' play rankings.

BPX Energy Ramping up in the Texas Shale
CEO Kyle Koontz delves into development plans in Permian, Eagle Ford and Haynesville.

Nulcear in a Box: Small-Reactor Fission May Answer Permian's Power Ask
Industry members say interest in Permian nuclear is hot.

Surge of Longer Lateral Drilling
With energy demand growing, operators look to supply hydrocarbons by drilling longer wells.

Are 3-Mile Laterals Worth the Extra Mile?
Every additional foot increases production, but it also increases costs.

Cracking the Fracking Code
Technology, process innovations improve operational efficiencies even as companies scramble for greener fracking solutions.

And more!

Cover Story

BPX Expands Its US Shale Game

BPX CEO Kyle Koontz delves into development plans in the Permian, Eagle Ford and Haynesville.

Drilling Technologies

Are 3-mile Laterals Worth the Extra Mile?

Every additional foot increases production, but it also increases costs.

Completions and Production

Safety First, Efficiency Follows: Unconventional Completions Go Automated

The unconventional completions sector has seen a tremendous growth in daily stage capacity and operation efficiencies, primarily driven by process and product innovations in the plug and perf space.

Where, When and How to Refrac—Weighing All the Options

Experts weigh in on strategic considerations when deciding how to rejuvenate production from a tired well.

Digital Solutions

Goodbye Manual Control: Vital Energy’s Automation Program Boosts Production

Production, ESP efficiency soared when the company automated decisions with AI at the edge.

Shale Solutions

Enverus Inventory Rankings: Pinpointing Shale’s Best Remaining Runway

The Montney Shale steals the spotlight in Enverus’ play rankings, while the Eagle Ford draws plaudits for its resilience.

Unconventional Report

Drowning in Produced Water: E&Ps Seek Economic Ways to Handle Water Surge

Strained disposal limits push beneficial reuse to the forefront for produced water management. 

Activity Highlights

Beyond the Horizon: Exploring the Permian’s Longest Laterals

Horizontally drilled lateral wells are all the rage in the Permian Basin. Let’s take a look at the 10 longest wells drilled in the Basin.