
Pitts: Oh, What a Tangled Web the Supermajors Weave

Exxon and Chevron and Guyana and Venezuela—‘Let’s Make A Deal’ meets ‘Love, South American Style.’

West Texas Hold ’Em: Permian Plays Pipeline Poker

The consensus is that the Permian Basin needs another major gas pipeline soon. Midstream companies are trying to figure out when … and who will make the move.

Same Game, Fewer Players: Midstream M&A Stands Apart from E&P Sector

The midstream M&A market typically follows the E&P sector by a few months. But some aspects of the market are different this time around.

Paisie: OPEC+ Will Be Able to Manage Prices

Disappointing economic news has contributed to a drop in oil prices.

BPX Expands Its US Shale Game

BPX CEO Kyle Koontz delves into development plans in the Permian, Eagle Ford and Haynesville.

Offshore Guyana: ‘The Place to Spend Money’

Exxon Mobil, Hess and CNOOC are prepared to pump as much as $105 billion into the vast potential of the Stabroek Block.

Chevron, Exxon Among Players Getting to FID, Locking in Hydrogen Offtake

Hydrogen players Chevron Corp., Mitsubishi Power and Exxon Mobil are working to find buyers and pursue incentives to move projects forward.

BPX’s Koontz: The Rise of a Shale Man

CEO Kyle Koontz takes the reins of BPX Energy’s rapid onshore growth amid big changes at BP.

Beetaloo Juice: US Shale Explores Down Under

Tamboran Resources has put together the largest shale-gas leasehold in Australia’s Beetaloo Basin, with plans for a 1.5+ Bcf/d play. Behind its move now to manufacturing mode are American geologists and E&P-builders, a longtime Australian wildcatter, a U.S. shale-rig operator and a U.S. shale pressure-pumper.

Gas Producers Increasingly Dominating in New Shale Top Operators List

As more private oil producers are gobbled up by giant publics, the gas players are moving up the ranks of the top operators, according to a compiled list by Enverus in an exclusive partnership with Oil and Gas Investor.

Asset-backed Securitization Emerges as Growing Finance Opportunity

A relatively new type of financing has emerged for E&Ps—PDP asset-based securitization.

Watching the Uinta: XCL Petitions the FTC to Approve Altamont Acquisition

XCL Resources' petition was required under a prior agreement EnCap Energy Capital Fund XI struck with the FTC in 2022, which required the private equity group to sell off EP Energy’s Utah oil business.

Private E&Ps Pursue Dollars Amid Change

Producers contend with roiled capital markets as consolidation alters the strategic landscape.

Private Oil Producers Dwindle Amid Consolidation in New Top Operators List

According to a compilation by Enverus in an exclusive partnership with Oil and Gas Investor, the list of the top 20 private oil producers has been reshaped following a period of massive M&A. 

Hirs: What Regulators Get Wrong—Energy Networks Are Tough To Control

Energy professionals depend upon interconnected markets and often profit from arbitrage opportunities long before market participants and regulators can effectively address them.

Industry Consolidation Reshapes List of Top 100 Private Producers in the Lower 48

Public-private M&A brings new players to top slots in private operators list.

At Last, AI Brings Good News for Gas Producers

Is artificial intelligence humanity’s power-hungry new friend?

Hirs: How the Cost of Carbon Avoidance Bolsters Nuclear Power

States and the EU have introduced nascent carbon pricing schemes with taxes, tax benefits and offsets. It isn’t unreasonable to assume that carbon pricing will become increasingly tangible.

Coterra Energy’s 54-well Wolfcamp-Harkey Test

The operator plans to experiment where it has Harkey Mills sandstone in the Delaware Basin by landing three wells in it while making 51 Wolfcamp wells.

Grow Canada! Increased Production Boosts Energy Security

U.S. refineries drink in heavy crude, but domestic politics are always a hurdle.

Producers Trim 2024 Hedges Amid Bullish Oil Prices, M&A

Meanwhile, gas-weighted players are benefitting from solid hedge books planned ahead of price uncertainty.

Howard: Power Generation Growth Dependent on NatGas Demand

Electricity demand needs reliable natural gas to function as coal capacity is retired and less reliable renewables take a greater share of the power supply stack.

A Slippery Mess: Are Oil, Gas Interests Regulated Securities?

The murky overlap between securities laws and oil and gas interests could land individuals and companies on the wrong side of a securities-related investigation.

Regional Banks Take Advantage of Large Lenders’ Oil, Gas Hesitancy

Regional banks are picking up market share and rallying the U.S. upstream sector.

Vital Energy’s 57 Miles of Completed Lateral: A Midland Mega-unit

Vital Energy’s 20-well unit in southwestern Glasscock County, Texas, is producing some 18,000 bbl/d from some 300,000 feet of horizontal hole — the equivalent of more than two marathons.

Found in Mitchell County, Permian Basin: 2.5-mile Wolfcamp Stepouts

Bayswater Exploration & Production has taken its Midland Basin oil play far east into Mitchell County where a high carbonate content “gives us a chance to really compete with the big guys.”

Markman: Pre-season Jitters in the Hurricane Zone

If hurricane predictions are correct, oil and gas fortunes could be in hot water.

Paisie: Oil Prices to Range Between $86-$88 in Second Half of 2024

Supply and demand dynamics overtake geopolitical instability from the Middle East to Ukraine in influencing oil prices.

Calmer Waters May Be Ahead for Oil and Gas, Despite Wild Cards

Looking forward, while supply disruptions remain a possibility, the energy market’s nervousness is easing.

Pitts: Deep in the Renewable Heart of Texas

As a state known for its hydrocarbons, Texas is also cementing its position in the renewable sphere, and companies are beginning to take notice.